Field Trip
How someone already convinced of a conspiracy theory reads non-conspiratorial sources.
How someone already convinced of a conspiracy theory reads non-conspiratorial sources.
As I descended into the basement I wondered if copal would ever have a chance to ascend.
Art history research can occasionally fall into the trap of viewing everything through a digital screen.
For a minute I stood listening to the 9 a.m. bells, breathing deep sighs of relief.
Historians are well aware that a good old map invites curiosity and connection.
Perhaps we can enjoy the Baron’s palace without having to apotheosize him.
The Hills’ aliens wore clothing and spoke English—albeit with an unspecified “foreign accent.”
Two archivists share what it’s like at one of India’s largest archives.
I’m usually the first visitor to arrive, and there are never more than two others at the reading room at any time.
I was comfortable with the components of a press and the processes of printing. At least in theory.
We are immersed in a landscape of risk, a damaged place that damages in return.
This museum riled illusionists worldwide when its exhibit dared to reveal Houdini’s secrets.
Despite challenging circumstances, students and teachers produced compelling digital history.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the Dominicans in Cairo collected rare printed books in Arabic, particularly Muslim devotional works rarely found in other libraries.
What better place to think about authenticity than a wax museum?
The mental institution had a lot of old volumes stored in a conference room, but they were behind locked cabinet doors and no one knew exactly what was there.
From waste containment during the Black Death to a toilet that cost $19 million, the museum is impressively comprehensive.
I’d spent years living simultaneously inside the West and outside of it.
What does doing history look like? Let today’s history students and teachers show you.
They meant to remake the world, and they left quite the paper trail.
Veterans get the chance to tell their stories; my role is to facilitate that process.
Simultaneously beloved and despised by the Nazi regime, their stories are now being uncovered by a team of researchers.