Academic Bureaucrats and Sensitive Townspeople
I expected to side with the academics.
In classic Trek fashion, the similarities were not subtle.
The Federation’s structure creates tension between military and civilian leadership.
Khan was a product of and advocate for selective breeding, the ultimate form of population control.
They’re cute and lovable, but there’s something just not quite right about them.
A companion list for lit studies scholars.
When you’re shopping for books this season, consider a contingent scholar.
Baltimore is Native American land — that’s the first thing I want you to know.
Local farmers have long been connected to a much larger capitalist system.
Sarnia has been growing and dying in cycles for a hundred years.
Ironically, Chevron deference — which the conservative Supreme Court scrapped last month — began as a conservative legal tool.
Each community had an overseer who supervised the operations and the commissary. He also enforced the law.
What is possible when white activists heed the call of the Black radical vanguard.
The thing that I thought would be easiest to drop became something of a lifeline for me.
Whatever I write and record could be important for my children and future generations.
Hot pants served as a sartorial riposte to the fashion industry’s relentless campaign for the midi.
The New Bedford Sunday Standard-Times announced: “Indian Nuns Invade College”
The weirdo researchers were explaining fringe theories to a prime-time audience of millions.
The X-Files plays on our fascination with the camera — and our fear of it.
It seems strange to think of the 1990s as history; it was only 30 years ago, after all.
Who wants to watch a show whose characters never make real moral choices?
With so many crop dusters, somebody’s bound to see a UFO.
This is all wrong. This is not how the story is supposed to end.
A companion list for lit studies scholars.
“We asked for Central High School but they think it is too good for us.”
Parenting is a humbling reminder that knowledge does not just magically appear.
In a cruel twist of fate, my children suffer from having a historian for a mother.
I first learned I was pregnant immediately after passing my Ph.D. qualifying exams. A few weeks later I discovered I was carrying twins.
I can tell that they find it both fascinating and frustrating to have a historian as a parent.
The Empire launched a massive manhunt to capture her.
I was quickly surprised to find that flight — a defining feature of the modern image of the witch — figured relatively little in the earliest medieval sources.
“Why do the best ideas come while I’m driving?”
Imagined meritocracies mean little to extractive institutions.
Attaching a mystery to a famous musician or work gives us something to hold onto.
Smoke your way to a peaceful working-class life.
The master of the psychodrama mystery was Jim Thompson.
Fashion history is rarely as straightforward as Nancy Drew led me to believe.
A companion list for lit studies scholars.
A companion to our 2022 book list.
When you’re shopping for books this season, consider a contingent scholar.
I’m an animal historian — I know the dog always dies in the end.
Scholars of science, technology, and medicine who are building a new community from the ground up.
The entire plot of Stanley Kubrick’s Cold War satire turns around getting people on the phone.
“I was trying to write the life of a man who had no life. What other options did I have?”
“Archival work involves building relationships.”
We can intuitively interact with the history of an artform even when we aren’t explicitly aware of that history.
A companion list for lit studies scholars.
Still in her concentration camp uniform, Olga found her Persian rug.
As a child, I thought it was extremely cool that working for the U.S. government meant that you could get a pen that said “U.S. Government.”
Museums construct knowledge by constructing objects—literally.
Facebook was assigning me a place in the past, a place for the dead.
They created a space to share their own experiences, and found their experiences were shared by others.
Pick any stretch of road and you can find along it a history of the nation.
If I’m being honest, Dan was probably my best friend all those early years in Newtown.
Many Progressive Era playwrights were women. So how did they become “invisible” in the canon?
Hi, any chance you might have sent Richard Nixon a dick joke fifty years ago?
The Olympics has always relied on two antithetical forces: nationalism and internationalism.
How did human rights and development come to be so intertwined in U.S. foreign policy?
The blue cobblestones of Old San Juan look nice on a postcard, but they also tell a long history of exploitation.
A seven-point memo proposing control of the global insulin market.
The pandemic has shown what happens when universities assume they don’t need to answer to graduate students.
Loving an alcoholic who is a renowned expert on substance abuse is debilitating.
Though American children could not serve in the war themselves, they could vicariously serve through their dogs.
When the D.C. Metropolitan Police failed to catch a murder suspect, white residents criticized and mocked. Black residents worried.
“For my family, boiled turnips became a reminder of my grandmother’s suffering.”
“I don’t need to fit perfectly into one culture to feel like I truly belong.”
Jell-O remains an easy, popular way to enter the domestic realm.
It was the only dark chocolate my grandmother liked.
A cake made without milk or butter? Don’t tell the Minnesota Dairy Industry Committee!
My great-grandmother Sylvia’s stuffed cabbage held an out-sized role in my culinary imagination.
I suppose it really is addiction. But I’ve quit most of the other fun ones.
As a picky eater, I ate oodles of instant noodles growing up.
It might be a simple dish, yet it’s one I hold close to my heart—and a symbol, for me, of the Armenian immigrant experience.
When you’re shopping for books this season, consider a contingent scholar.
A history of the present is by its nature a speculative exercise.
Born out of the Cold War, the course has a great contradiction at its heart: why do we teach history?
It can be hard to know what the founders intended when they didn’t know, either.
How-to books, including those which promise the secret to wealth, are not a modern invention.
After finishing a doctoral program, the goal for many has always been a tenure-track job offer. But what about really terrible offers?
She was there to promote a way of life that little resembled her own.
By adopting middle-class aesthetics, the bar-basement bowling alley became the “poor man’s country club.”
In late medieval texts, the Virgin Mary was a skilled debater–and a dab hand with a club.
Performed once a year, the Exsultet features rich descriptions of sights, sounds, scents—and bees.
Though the “electricity biscuit” thesis is plausible, killjoy historians need more evidence.
What happens if we demystify fandom as a haven for female desire?
Regulation, not culture, is the key to understanding the novel coronavirus.
Why did the priest and the choir singer die, and what was the nature of their love?
Behind Dover Publications’ eclectic 10,000-title catalog lies a remarkable story of 20th century innovation.
I had never seen a mustache like that before—so blond and full and pin-neat, as it had to be for the power company.
“An ex-addict without employment is an ex-addict without cure.” Or so the mantra went.
The Rebel Alliance fought for freedom, but this freedom was predicated on the automation of labor — on droids.
The line between cultural influence and cultural appropriation can be blurry.
How could the Jedi Order vanish from public memory in less than a generation?
By denying access to the original cuts of the saga films, George Lucas has left us without the critical cultural documents needed for understanding the franchise’s power.
When you’re shopping for books this season, consider a contingent scholar.
The association of embroidery with the feminine has led many to overlook its history as a subversive medium.
He wanted to be an ally of the Chinese immigrant. By pretending to be one himself.
Is philosophy uniquely hostile to trans people? No. It is hostile to marginalized people in general.
Philosophy has long been something done to trans people, not by them.
This magazine is much bigger than its staff, or even its writers.
For all our planning and grand designs, Contingent’s success has rested entirely on having support from others.
Sharing the products of historical inquiry isn’t enough—we’ve got to show our work.
Renaming streets and erecting statues aren’t nothing—but they aren’t enough, either.
150 years before the Da Vinci Code, there was a man who said he could talk to spirits.
Was ancient Mesopotamia the ur-text of the “West”? Is that even a good question?
Flowers, a day at the spa, a biography of Andrew Jackson? A meditation on mothers, history, Mother’s Day gift-giving.
It is easy to forget, even for historians, that the future does not exist.
The classic Parsi cookbook has changed much over the decades, yet remains curiously old-fashioned.
Who are museum exhibits for, and what difference does that make?
It is the largest maximum-security prison in the United States. So who is going to its gift shop, and why?