Revive Your Darlings

Billing Bros, and Whitmore, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Every writer learns early on that they must kill their darlings. For historians, this advice may be delivered in more prosaic terms, such as “This is interesting, but what does it have to do with your argument?” or “You need to cut 25 pages from this chapter.” Some darlings go quietly, but others stick with us—in abandoned drafts, in documents full of fragments, and in the overstuffed file cabinets in our minds. This spring, Contingent offers you the chance to revive your darlings.

Contingent is now accepting pitches for features, shorts, and mini-essays on this theme. All pieces will be published April through July of 2023. For more information on how to pitch, including suggestions for how to get started, and the compensation for each form we publish, see our Pitch Us page.

To submit a pitch, please use the form at the bottom of that same page, and include the phrase “Revive Your Darlings” at the top of your pitch, which should include an explanation of why this darling was killed in the first place. Pitches are due by April 15. Greenlit writers will be notified by April 17. Drafts will be due by May 7.