Publications by Non-Tenure-Track Historians

Since we began publishing in 2019, Contingent has assembled lists of books and articles by non-tenure-track historians released in that calendar year, and we’re doing the same this year for 2024 publications. To submit something for inclusion on this year’s lists, fill out the form below. Books, journal articles, and chapters are all welcome. Check out all of our previous lists here.

Please give complete citation info and a link to the publisher’s webpage for the book or the stable URL for the article. If you wish to submit multiple publications, each one should be its own submission. The due date for submissions is Saturday, November 30. Anything with a 2024 publication date is acceptable, even if it hasn’t come out by the submission date.

Not required, but it can help interested readers contact you easily without making your email public. Make it clear what social media platform you're talking about so we can link to it.